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Benefits of Drinking Water & How Much Water Drink Per Day?


We heard one thing more often that water is important for good health. But why water is important? In this blog, I am going to address your many questions related to drinking water such as what are the benefits of drinking water? And how much water should you drink?

Today we are going to discuss the benefits and importance of drinking water with the exact amount of water for men and women. The majority of our body contains water; it takes part in many important functions of our body.

Water plays an important role in the proper functioning of the human body such as; flushing out the waste part from our body, helping our brain function and most importantly maintaining our body temperature.

Let’s See How Drinking Water Can Change Your Life:

1. It Helps To Create Saliva:

The main component of saliva is water; other than water saliva contains small amounts of mucus, electrolytes and enzymes (ptyalin). It is an essential substance for the breakdown of food and it helps to swallow and chew. I like to say that water plays an important role in producing saliva that’s the reason you should keep the adequate amount of water.

2. To Maintain Our Body Temperature:

Maintaining body temperature is necessary for living, by losing water through sweat our body maintains the required temp. It is very important to stay hydrated throughout the day and night for maintaining body temperature.
If your daily activities or work requires more and continues physical activities you should drink plenty of water to avoid the problem of dehydration.

3. Helps To Keep Skin & Hair Healthy:


Skin is made of several cells just like the other organs of the body are made and all cells require water to properly function their task. That’s the reason water helps to keep skin bright.

Some Benefits of Drinking Water For Skin:

  • It is necessary to maintain optimal skin moisture & it delivers nutrients to the skin cells.
  • Water helps to keep skin well hydrated & glow.
  • It helps to fight skin disorders like wrinkles, eczema and psoriasis.

Benefits of drinking water that helps hair:

  • It supports vitamin consumption & helps in healthy, adequate growth of hair.
  • Water percentage almost makes ¼ of the weight of a hair.
  • Drinking water to reduce problems like Dermatitis and Seborrhea

4. Water Helps To Lose Weight:

There are many studies showing that drinking more water helps in losing weight but you should follow a well-balanced diet for it. Water adds many extra benefits when you follow the diet and drinks lots of water. There are other foods that will help you to lose your weight such the proven benefits of papaya in weight loss. So it is good news to those who are trying to lose a few extra pounds.

5. Drink Adequate Water For Healthy Muscles:

The human body consists of lots of muscles and the muscles made up of up to 75% water. It is essential to have an optimum supply of water to keep contraction normal. Drinking optimal water assist to prevent muscular cramps.  

6. It Helps To Absorb More Nutrients:

As of now, we know that water helps in food breakdown but there are more benefits to drinking water. It helps to dissolve minerals, nutrients and vitamins and it delivers nutrients to another part of the body. It is necessary to drink an adequate amount of water if you are really wishing for good health.

7. Drinking Water Helps To Prevent Constipation:

It is necessary to have optimum water intake so that the bowel movements will be smooth. Only eating fibre isn’t sufficient to prevent constipation. Not having an adequate amount of water, fibre and magnesium lead to having constipation problem.
Few studies show that the carbonated water helps ease constipation and dyspepsia also improves gallbladder emptying.

8. Eliminate Waste From The Body:

Drinking of water helps you to excrete waste from the body with the help of urination, perspiration and defecation. Our body utilizes water during the process of sweating, urination and bowel movements.
The sweating process regulates body temperature. When we have physical movements our body temperature increase sweat maintain the optimal temperature. In summer you may notice that we sweat more than usual because our body tries to the main temperature.
The human body requires sufficient water to have a healthy stool and prevent constipation. Our kidney plays an important role in filtering out waste and urination. Sufficient intake of water helps our kidneys to work smoothly and efficiently.

9. Water Aid To Have Higher Physical Performance:

Dehydration affects human body endurance, power and strength. Drinking plenty of water is needed when you are doing physical work such as exercise or other physical activities that include too much body moment.
There are more chances of dehydration when you are taking part in the athlete training or highly intense sports games.
One should consider the weather during the exercise or any other outdoor sports event as the heat affect your health. You may experience the problems like a decrease in blood pressure or hyperthermia due to not having required water intake.

10 It Improves Circulation of Oxygen In Blood:

As the water contains oxygen and helpful nutrients it is extremely important to drink sufficient amount of water as it will improve the circulation of oxygen in the blood. Taking daily adequate intake of water benefits overall health and positive impact on mood. Take care that your body should have sufficient intake of water so you can replenish the water loss during sweat, bowel movements and urination to avoid dehydration.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

After reading all the benefits of drinking water you must have the question of how much water should you drink for best health on daily basis. Drinking optimal water is necessary for good health and most people drink when thirsty.  Our body indicates us whenever it needs water but few people have a bad habit to avoid drinking water occasionally.

But still few studies estimated that how much water you should drink on a regular day. Health studies show and recommend 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 litres of water but how much water people should actually drink is more individualized than we may think. It depends on your weight and size, physical activity, surrounding environment and health condition.
But still, there are some studies recommend exact water intakes for men and women. Let’s see the water intake for men and women on daily basis. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends that men drink minimum 104 ounces of water a day; it is nearly about 13 cups. IOM recommends water intake for women they should drink at least 72 ounces that are 9 cups.

Here I want to like to conclude today’s blog as I tried to cover everything from drinking water benefits to the amount of water should we drink. If you are thinking that there are few more benefits of drinking water then don’t dither to say it in the comment section.


  1. Thanks for sharing great tips about drinking water. But as compared to drinking simple water why should not try for nutrition drinks, it will gives energy to your body and many more benefits to your health.

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