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What is Blood Pressure ?

 The blood pressure is the pressure of the blood over the arteries. It is basically caused due to  the contraction of the heart muscle.

Range of Blood Pressure
       Normal Blood Pressure  range in 120 / 80mmHg. The topper  notation refers to the amount of pressure in your arteries during the contraction of your heart muscle. This is called systolic pressure.
The lower notation  refers to your blood pressure when your heart muscle is between beats. This is called diastolic pressure.

Etiology of High Blood Pressure
     Now-a-days by  an  unhygenic-food,high dose medicine,current  lifestyle, age factor, and genetics can cause high blood pressure. Along these some more factors that will lead to high blood pressure are salt, fat, and cholesterol.

Causes of Blood Pressure
1.  Overweight
2.  Smoking
3.  Less Physical activity
4.  Stress
5.  Age
6.  Genetic
7.  Breathing problem when sleeping

Food causes blood pressure
1.  Seafood
2.  Fast food
3.  Consumption of more salt
4.  Dairy product
5.  Alcohol

       Hypertension is one of the most relevant reason behind Blood Pressure.
The long-term slot of this results in damage of internal organs.

Adverse effect of blood pressure
       Some  may not have any side effects by intake of  hypertension drugs frequently, and if took also some  may experience  the side effects in a negligible note. Still, it is need  to be stay tuned and to work closely with your doctor to manage any side effects you may have. It will not  make any good notable sense to "suffer in silence."

Medications Are  Used To Treat High Blood Pressure

The purpose of  high blood pressure medications is to flush extra water and salt from your body.
1.  Extra water relief from the body.
2.  Diuretics may decrease the body's levels of the mineral potassium which can lead to these side             effects. Some potassium-sparing diuretics may not have this effect.

Management of blood pressure
1.     Weight loss
Loss of weight is one of the most affecting lifestyle changes for controlling blood pressure. Loss of weight even a small amount  if you're overweight or obese can help reduce your blood pressure.

2.   Exercise Regularly
If you have diagnosed by  blood pressure, exercise can help you to  avoid developing hypertension. If you already with hypertension, regular physical activity lower your blood pressure.

3.   Healthy diet
Consuming a diet that is rich in proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

4.   Reduce salt in your diet
A small amount of decrease  in the salt intake in your diet will improve your heart health and reduce blood pressure. The effect of salt intake on blood pressure may  vary among group of people.

5.   The amount of alcohol you drink
Alcohol affect in both side positive but more adverse negative effect. But that protective effect is lost if you consume too much alcohol.
Drinking more than gentle amount of alcohol can raise blood pressure by several points. It  also lower the effectiveness of blood pressure medications.

6.   Quit Smoking
A single  cigarette you smoke increases your blood pressure for many minutes after you finish. Quit of smoke helps your blood pressure return to normal. When you quit  smoking then  can reduce your risk of heart disease and thus improve your overall health. People who quit smoking may live longer than people who smoke regularly.

Medical of blood pressure
       Medicines on blood pressure works in different ways. Some remove salt from the body and some reduce heartbeat.

Side effect of medicine of blood pressure   

1.     Cough     
2.     Diarrhea
3.     Feeling tired, weak, drowsy, or a lack of energy
4.     Headache
5.     Skin rash

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